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Wonders Unit Six, Week Three

McGraw-Hill Wonders 2020 1st Grade Resources and Printouts for Unit Six, Week Three

Weekly Outline
Week at a glance.

first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling words 
Spelling Words
Spelling words list for students to take home and study.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling wordsearch
Spelling Words Wordsearch
Wordsearch with spelling words.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling word shapes
Spelling Words Word Shapes
Students write spelling words into shape boxes.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling words cards
Spelling Words Cards
Spelling words cards to print and display.

first grade wonders unit 6 week three high frequency words cards
High Frequency Words Cards
Cards to print out and display
first grade wonders unit 6 week three high frequency words cards
High Frequency Words Practice
Wordshapes, wordsearch, and ABC order.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three words quiz
Phonics and High Frequency Words Reading Quiz
Have students read phonics and high frequency words.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling words graph
Spelling Words Graph
Pick a card and graph the spelling words you pull.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling abc order
Spelling Words ABC Order
Students write spelling words in ABC order.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling handwriting practice
Spelling Words Handwriting Practice Page
Students write spelling words and practice handwriting.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling practice test
Spelling Practice Test
Students pick the correct spelling of the spelling words.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three spelling write two times
Spelling Write Two Times
Students write spelling words two times.
first grade wonders unit 6 week three word sort
Word Sort
Students sort word sounds.

spelling citySpelling City Games and Activities

Spelling City games and activities for this week.