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Wonders Unit One, Week Five

McGraw-Hill Wonders 2020 1st Grade Resources and Printouts for Unit One, Week Five

Weekly Outline
Week at a glance.

first grade wonders unit one week five spelling words 
Spelling Words
Spelling words list for students to take home and study.
first grade wonders unit one week five spelling word search
Spelling Words Wordsearch
Wordsearch with spelling words.
first grade wonders unit one week five spelling words shapes
Spelling Words Word Shapes
Students write spelling words into shape boxes.
first grade wonders unit one week five spelling words cards
Spelling Words Cards
Spelling words cards to print and display.

first grade wonders unit one week five high frequency words cards
High Frequency Words Cards
Cards to print out and display

High Frequency Words Practice
Wordshapes, wordsearch, and ABC order.
first grade wonders unit one week five word quiz
Phonics and High Frequency Words Reading Quiz
Have students read phonics and high frequency words.

Phonics and Skills Review
Have students read phonics and high frequency words.
first grade wonders unit one week five spelling words graph
Spelling Words Graph
Pick a card and graph the spelling words you pull.

Spelling Words ABC Order
Students write spelling words in ABC order.
first grade wonders unit one week five spelling words handwriting
Spelling Words Handwriting Practice Page
Students write spelling words and practice handwriting.

spelling citySpelling City Games and Activities

Spelling City games and activities for this week.