The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Solar System Lesson Plans

Solar System Lesson Plans, Solar System Thematic Unit, Solar System Printouts

Solar System Lesson Plans and Thematic Units

icon Space

icon The Nine Planets 
Images and information about the planets.

icon Plot the Planets Lesson Plan
Use markers to make a diagram to a report about the solar system.

icon Classification of the Solar System
Lesson on how the planets are classified.

icon Classroom Planetarium
Students create a 3d representation of the solar system.

icon Best of the Solar System
Introduces the planets to students.  Intended for middle school age.

icon Bringing the Solar System to Life
Help students learn about the solar system with punch balls and balloons.

icon The Story of the Solar System
Students learn about the other objects in the solar system (asteroids, comets.)

icon Lunar Prospector Hands-On Activities
25 hands on activities dealing with the moon.

icon The Planets
Links to information on the planets.

Our Solar System Interactive Whiteboard Resources

icon The Planets
Information on all of the planets.  You can click on each planet to see an image and background information.

icon The Nine Planets for Kids
Geared for elementary students.  Has information and images for each planet.

icon Our Solar System Astronomy for Kids
Good site with a model of the solar system in motion.  You can also click on each planet for images and information.

icon Solar System Coloring Pages
These are from enchantedlearning, a subscription site, but they do have some free resources.

icon Solar System Coloring Pages
Coloring book with the planets.  Each planet page also has information about the planet.

icon The Planets
SMARTboard file introducing the planets.

icon The Solar System
SMARTboard file introducing the solar system.  Also has questions and interactive slides.

icon Ordering of the Planets
SMARTboard file explaining order of the planets.   Also has links to websites for each planet.

icon Planets
SMARTboard file covers phases of the moon, relative size and location of the planets, reason for the seasons, and reason for day and night.

icon The Constellations
SMARTboard file introducing constellations.

icon Our Solar System
SMARTboard file introducing the solar system.

icon Label the Solar System
SMARTboard file where students label the planets.

Free Our Solar System Printouts

icon Planets and Solar Systems Coloring Pages
Four coloring pages of the planets and the solar system.  Good to color, cut out, and glue on black construction paper.

icon Planets Coloring Pages
22 coloring pages.

icon Astronomy Coloring Pages
81 pages dealing with astronomy.

icon Planet Report Form

Free Our Solar System Crafts and Recipes

icon The Solar System Craft
Make a simple model of the solar system using foam and paint.

icon Solar System Model
Instructions for making a simple solar system model.

icon Solar System Craft
Color pictures of the planets and glue on black construction paper.
You can use pictures of the planets from here.

Free Our Solar System Clip Art 

icon Solar System Clip Art
Nice images of the planets.