The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Place Value Worksheets

Place Value, Ordering Numbers  CCSS 2.NBT.1

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the value of the underlined digit. Two digit numbers.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number described by ones and tens. 2 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students exchange tens for ones. 2 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number illustrated by the base ten blocks. 2 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number illustrated by the base ten blocks. 2 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number illustrated by the base ten blocks. Two digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Review Worksheet

Two digit place value review worksheet.

place value worksheetPlace Value Review Worksheet

Two digit place value review worksheet.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write number represented by the underlined digit.  3 Digits

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the numbers. 3 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the value of the underlined digit.  3 Digits

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number described by ones, tens, and hundreds. 3 digits.

place value worksheetPlace Value Worksheet

Students write the number in illustrated by the base blocks.

ordering numbers worksheetOrdering Three Digit Numbers

Students write three 3-digit numbers in order.

place value bingoPlace Value Bingo     Calling Cards

Place value bingo game.  Use blocks or SMARTNotebook file to show the number.