The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Cover Your Mouth

Cover Your Mouth Lyrics, Cover Your Mouth Printout


Cover Your Mouth

Cover your mouth and turn your head when you
cough, cough, cough cough, cough, cough

Cover your mouth and turn your head when you
cough, cough, cough cough, cough, cough

That's the healthy thing to do
We can even stop the flu
So, cover your mouth and turn your head
When you cough, cough, cough,

Cover your mouth and turn your head when you
ah choo, ah choo
Cover your mouth and turn your head when you
ah choo, ah choo

Cover up that coughing wheeze and I'll protect you from my sneeze
Oh, cover your mouth and turn your head when you
ah ah choo