100th Day of School Printouts, 100th Day of School Worksheets
I Had One Hundred Dollars Writing Prompt
Students imagine they woke up and found $100
under their pillow. They write one or more paragraphs describing what
they would do with the money. Includes graphic organizer, writing paper
and final copy paper. Pdf format.
Day, 100 Years From Now
Students write about how their life will be
100 years from now. Organizers and writing paper to complete the
Day 100 m&ms graph
Includes graph paper and tally sheet to graph
colors of 100 m&ms. Buy one large bag of m&ms and complete the graph
together. Have a treat afterwards.
When We Are
One Hundred Class Book
Materials to make a class book. Students draw self-portraits
and write about what they will be like when they are 100 years old.
Includes cover for classroom publishing.
Students write down three clues to help their classmates guess what
is in their 100th Day Collection. Teachers can send home with a
small paper bag and note explaining what the students should bring