The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Math SMARTBoard Files

Math SMARTBoard Templates, Math SMARTBoard Games

smartboard file 

Adding Three Addends Math Game      SMART file
Printout for classroom game Adding Three Addends Game    pdf

smartboard file 

Fact Family Generator     SMART file
Roll the dice to create fact families.
Printout for Fact Family Generator    pdf

smartboard file 

Addition and Subtraction With Regrouping     SMART file
Students use number generator to create and solve problems.

smartboard file 

Addition Template     SMART file
Template to write and solve addition problems.

smartboard file 

Subtraction Template     SMART file
Template to write and solve subtraction problems.

smartboard file 

Morning Calendar     SMART file
Calendar for use with morning meeting.

smartboard file 

Calendar Time Template     SMART file
Blank calendar template.

smartboard file 

Time to Half-Hour Clock    SMART file
Clock is shaded into two halves to explain half-hour time.

smartboard file 

Telling Time      SMART file
Students can manipulate the hands on the clock or write the digital time.

smartboard file 

Write the Time     SMART file
Students write the time shown on the clock by the teacher.

smartboard file 

Counting Change     SMART file
Students count coins.

smartboard file 

Place Value to 100    SMART file

Generate how many hundreds, tens, and ones needed and then show the number with blocks and notation.

smartboard file 

Two Digit Addition With Regrouping Ones Place     SMART file
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

Two Digit Addition With Regrouping 2 Ones Place     SMART file
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

 Two Digit Addition With Regrouping 3 Ones Place     SMART file   
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

smartboard file 

Two Digit Addition With Regrouping Tens Place     SMART file
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

Two Digit Addition With Regrouping Tens Place 2     SMART file
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

Two Digit Addition With Regrouping Tens Place 3     SMART file
Students solve problem and choose correct answer.

smartboard file 

Place Value to 100 Generator    SMART file
Generate a three digit number and show the number using blocks, standard notation, and expanded notation.

smartboard file 

Place Value to 100    SMART file
Generate a two digit number and show the number using blocks, standard notation, and expanded notation.

smartboard file 

Skip Counting Practice    SMART file
Practice skip counting with the hundred chart.

smartboard file 

Doubles Plus One    SMART file
Introduces doubles plus one concept to students.