An AskERIC Lesson Plan
Map reading is more than just looking at maps and finding where you are on the map. Sometimes you have to estimate a certain dist 880 ance on a map in order to know how long it will take to get from point A to point B. Estimating distances has been with us for a long time. Students should know some methods in estimating distances and use math as a real use.
The students will get a better understanding on how people estimate distances and the process in estimating short distances.
1. The students will be able to estimate a short distance by using the method I demonstrate to them.
2. The students will invent another method in estimating distances.
This activity is best used outside. Small groups would be better than the whole class at once.
Start out with short distances and then with longer distances.
1. Students will be able to perform algebraic problems while estimating distances.
Measuring Stick Pencil Tape Measure Paper Chalk
1. Ask the students what they think a certain distance is between where they stand at and the object you point out.
2. Tell the students there is a way to estimate distances by their own pace count.
3. Have the students stand behind a line and have them take 2 normal steps.
4. Measure the line to the heel of the student with the yard stick.
5. Then divide that number by 2 and write it down on a sheet of paper. This will be the students'average pace count.
6. Have the students count the number of paces it takes to get to the certain object.
7. Take that number and multiply it by the students pace count. For instance: John's pace count is 3 feet. It took 16 paces for John to reach the certain object. 16 paces multiplied by 3 feet = 48 feet for an estimated distance.
8. Repeat the steps with another object.
9. Ask the students why they think this would be important.
1. Pick the a distance and measure before the activity begins. Have the students estimate the distance and check it with your answer.
2. Have the students invent another method in estimating distances. 0