An AskERIC Lesson Plan
Written by: Jami Ann Summa
Victory Villa Elementary
Baltimore, MD
DATE: November 1996
Grade Level: grade 2
A. Instructional Objective
- To recognize a pattern.
- To create a pattern and extend it.
- To observe how patterns can be similiar and different.
B. Behavioral Objective
- TTSW examine patterns and determine what comes next in the pattern.
- TSW utilize a 100's chart to help him 81d visualize the pattern.
- TSW determine what the selected patterns have in common.
A. Motivation
- Have the children examine two patterns written on the board.
5, 10, 15, ___, ___ and 7, 12, 17, ___, ___
3, 6, 9, ____, ____ and 2, 5, 8, ____, ____
- Ask the children what the patterns have in common?
- Have them write their ideas on an index card and share it with a partner.
- Have 2 volunteers complete the patterns on the board.
- Ask the class to respond, "Agree" or "Disagree".
- Discuss the patterns.
B. Development
- Before handing out the assignment, give the directions.
- Give the background details about the elevator and what the children are suppose to do.
- Tell the children to work with someone sitting next to them.
- Provide 100's charts to help the child visualize the pattern.
- When finished, go over responses.
- Have the children flip the elevator page over. Each child should create 2 new patterns. Have them exchange their papers with a partner.
- The partners should extend the new patterns and return it the child who created it for checking.
Conclusion and Assessment