f65 Numeral Recognition, Matching, and Writing - An AskERIC Lesson Plan
AskERIC Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan #:AELP-ATH0016

Numeral Recognition, Matching, and Writing

An AskERIC Lesson Plan

AUTHOR: Chris Cox; Christian Community Elementary School, Fremont, CA


OVERVIEW: Most children enter the first grade able to count to twenty and many to 100; and most recognize numerals to twenty in isolation and can match one to one. e84 However, each year there are a number of children to whom all of this is foreign. What they have learned is rote and not truly conceptualized. The following activity is designed to reinforce what many already know and to teach or reteach numeral recognition, one to one matching and the writing of numerals from 1-20.

PURPOSE: At the beginning of the year it is important to evaluate the needs of the individual child in as non threatening a way as possible. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate, reinforce and reteach numeral recognition, one to one matching and the writing of numerals from 1-20.


As a result of this activity 80% of the students will be able to :

  1. Count aloud sequentially from one to twenty.
  2. Identify numerals (1-20) in isolation.
  3. Write numerals from 1 - 20.
  4. Match numerals to objects from 1 - 20.


Anno's Counting Book (1975), other counting books, pens or crayons, laminator or clear contact paper, a saddle stapler


  1. Read aloud Anno's Counting Book (1975).
  2. Explore the pages of the book asking the children to describe what is seen. Allow them to find the printed numeral, the corresponding number of colored blocks, the one to one relationships between the picture and the numeral, and lastly, the introduction of the correspondence of months and seasons to numerals.
  3. Allow time for each student to explore the book with a friend or alone.
  4. Reread aloud Anno's Counting Book and allow the students to mention additional discoveries.
  5. Give each student a piece of 8 1/2" X 11" paper folded vertically and imprinted with ____________'S COUNTING BOOK. Have the child write his/her name in the blank and design the cover using his/her theme. Laminate the cover, add five more folded sheets and staple the fold. Allow the use of felt tip pens for this project (if available), or stickers, or stamps.
  6. Have each child complete page 1 - 20 using his/her chosen theme i.e. butterflies, balls, space ships or stars.
  7. Have the child read aloud his/her book to:
    1. and older student (2nd or higher)
    2. a volunteer, AND
    3. the classroom teach and or a paraprofessional
  8. Allow several activity periods to complete this project. Give extra supervision and encouragement to complete the task to those who work slowly or who are not task oriented. You could also use stickers in lieu of drawings for those who prefer.
  9. Read other counting books prior to activity times.


  1. Have students read their books to a younger student (K).
  2. Have each students read their books to a parent.
  3. Make a calendar for the month of September, having students write numerals 2 - 20. Have the 1st, and 21st - 30th in place.

May 1994

These lesson plans are the result of the work of the teachers who have attended the Columbia Education Center's Summer Workshop. CEC is a consortium of teacher from 14 western states dedicated to improving the quality of education in the rural, western, United States, and particularly the quality of math and science Education. CEC uses Big Sky Telegraph as the hub of their telecommunications network that allows the participating teachers to stay in contact with their trainers and peers that they have met at the Workshops.