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Muffin Man

Muffin Man Lyrics, Muffin Man Printout, Muffin Man Video


Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man
That lives on Drury Lane?
(Child on left holds up first finger
to child on right)

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes I know the muffin man
That lives on Drury Lane.
(Child on right nods)

Now two of us know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Now two of us know the muffin man
That lives on Drury Lane.
(Both face front and hold up
the first finger of each hand.)