Interactive Sites
Interactive Math Sites, Interactive Reading Sites
Free Math Interactive Sites
Free Reading Interactive Sites
I am only listing free sites on
this page. The sites may have ads on them, but that is how they
are able to keep them free. If you know of another FREE
interactive site, feel free to contact me.
Free Math Interactive Sites
Math Playground Grades
1-12 Free
This site has insructional material, flash cards, and games.
CoolMath4Kids Grades 1-6
This site has a lot of resources. Each topic has lessons teach the
skill, flash cards, and games to reinforce and practice skills.
CoolMath Grades 6-12 Free
Companion site to CoolMath4Kids but geared for grades 6-12. Each topic
has lessons to teach the skill, flash cards, and games to reinforce and
practice skills.
CoolMathGames Grades 1-12
Another companion site to CoolMath4Kids. This site has a lot of
educational games to play.
Mr. Nussbaum's Math Lab
Grades 1-12 Free
This is part of a larger site with a lot of games in every subject. It
has math games, worksheet generators, calculators, and more.
Illuminations Grades K-12 Free
102 online activities for grades k-12.
Count Us In
Grades prek-2 Free
This site has games to help children with basic number concepts. You
can also find lesson plans to teach each concept. It also has the
option to download games to run on your computer.
Advantage Grades K-8 Free
This site is from Harcourt and supports their math series. You can find
games to practice math skills from K-8.
AmblesidePrimary K-8 Free
This site has teaching tools, tests, and games to reinforce math skills.
FunBrain Math Arcade Grades K-2 Free
Arcade-style games to reinforce math skills.
Ictgames Grades
K-2 Free
Interactive games for younger kids to practice basic math skills.
Bitesize K-2 Free
BBC site that focuses on numbers, shapes, measurements, and data. It
has games to reinforce skills.
National Library
of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics Grades 1-12
Interactive manipulatives to help you teach a skill. Resources are
intended to be used with or after direct instruction from a teacher.

Grades 6-12 Free
Website is more appropriate for older grades. Resources are intended to
be used with direct instruction from teacher. It does contain a lot of
Interactive Math Resources Free
Lots of great interactive resources to teach and practice math skills.
Free Reading Interactive Sites

Literacy Games Grades K-2 Free
Entertaining literacy games focusing on letters and sounds, vowel
sounds, consonant sounds, high frequency words, and more.
StoryLine Online Grades
K-6 Free
Some favorite children's books read by famous actors.
Book Adventure Grades
K-12 Free
Students can register to take online quizzes on books they read.
Provides score reports to the teacher. Students can also earn prizes.
Roy the Zebra Grades 1-4
Online guided reading stories with worksheets and discussion sheets.
This site also has interactive games to work on ABC order, plural nouns,
phonemes, ryhming words, and more.
Starfall Grades K-3 Free
Reader's Theatre Editions
Grades 1-8 Free
Free scripts for reader's theater from stories written by Aaron
Shepard. A full range of reading levels.
Make A Word
See how many words you can make from the letters of a given word.
Zoom Play House
Plays you can print out for your kids to perform. Also comes with
costume and decoration ideas.