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Common & Proper Nouns

Common & Proper Nouns Worksheets, Identifying Common & Proper Nouns Worksheets  CCSS 1.L.1.b

proper nouns worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Explanation of common and proper nouns.

common and proper nouns worksheetsCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students come up with proper nouns to match the common nouns.

common and proper nouns worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students come up with proper nouns to answer questions.

common and proper nouns worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students come up with proper nouns to answer questions.

common and proper nouns worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students write days of the week and months of the year with capital letters.

common and proper nouns worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students show which nouns are proper nouns and need capital letters.

common and proper nouns worksheetsCommon and Proper Nouns Worksheet

Students determine if nouns are common or proper.

apple tree proper nouns worksheetProper Nouns Worksheet

Students determine if nouns need capital letters.

proper nouns worksheetProper Nouns Special Places

Students show which words need to be capitalized.