The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Weather Lesson Plans

Weather Lesson Plans, Weather Themes, Weather Printouts, Weather Clipart

Weather Lesson Plans and Thematic Units

icon The Weather Dude
Find information about weather-related topics.  Research weather safety, weather folklore, songs and weather, and more.

icon Weather Maps
Students learn basic information about weather and the different types of weather maps used.

icon Build Your Own Weather Station
Students learn how to build their own weather station to record data.

icon Weather Scope: An Interactive Study of Weather and Climate
Students learn basics of weather with hands on activities and data investigations.

icon Weather WizKids
General resource site for kid-friendly weather information.  Learn about different weather topics, conduct experiments, and play games.

icon Weather Experiments
Conduct weather experiments such as tornado in a jar, make thunder, bend water, make a rainbow, make your own barometer, and more.

icon Scholastic Weather Watchers
Students learn concepts about weather and broader science skills.

icon The Weather Channel Kids
Resource from The Weather Channel.  You can find weather education, weather games, and weather videos.

 Weather Interactive Whiteboard Resources

icon Report the Weather, Predict the Weather
Students complete a weather map to report the weather.  They can also learn about fronts and predict the weather.

icon Drippy the Raindrop
Online book exploring the wather cycle.

icon Water Cycle Powerpoints
Several good powerpoint presentations dealing with the water cycle.

Free Weather Printouts

icon Water Cycle Printout

icon Water Cycle Printouts
Water cycle diagram, water cycle word search, water cycle cloze.

icon Weather Coloring Pages
20 pages to print and color.

Rain/Water Cycle Lesson Plans, Activities, Printouts, and Interactive Resources

icon The Water Cycle
Website explains the water cycle and includes printouts.

icon Rain, Ice, Steam: Using Reading to Support Inquiry About the Water Cycle
Students learn about the different parts of the water cycle and work in groups to write and perform a play.

icon Water: A Never-Ending Story
Students learn how water on Earth moves in a continous cycle.

icon Bringing Rain: Study and Craft
After researching the water cycle, students create a water cycle mobile.

icon Drippy the Raindrop
Online book exploring the wather cycle.

icon Water Cycle Printout

icon Water Cycle Unit
Multi-lesson unit introducing the water cycle.

icon Water Cycle Printouts
Water cycle diagram, water cycle word search, water cycle cloze.

icon Water Cycle Powerpoints
Several good powerpoint presentations dealing with the water cycle.

Clouds Lesson Plans, activities, Printouts, and interactive resources

icon What Are Clouds Made Of     pdf
Students learn that clouds are made of water droplets.

icon Clouds Powerpoint      PowerPoint
Introduction to the various types of clouds.

icon Cloud Types     PowerPoint
Introduction to the different types of clouds.

icon Clouds
Students learn what clouds are and the different types.

Weather Forecasting Lesson Plans, Activities, and Interactive Resources

icon Student Weather Forecast     SMARTfile
Students forecast the weather for the week and keep track of their predictions.  Worksheet below.

icon Student Weather Forecast     pdf
Companion worksheet for file above.

icon Daily Temperatures Graph     SMARTfile
Students graph the daily tempatures for the month or several months for comparison.  Worksheet below.

icon Daily Temperature Graph     pdf
Companion worksheet for file above.