Acid Rain Lesson (5th grade)
Acid Rain Information, Activities and Data
Acid Rain: The Disappearing Statue (2nd grade)
Harmful Effects of Acid Rain (7th grade)
Air Pressure Lesson (6th grade)
Air Pollution Control Lesson (6th through 8th grades)
Air Pollution Emissions Information, Activities and Data
Air Pollution Gremlins Math Lesson (1st grade)
Air Pollution: Visible and Invisible Lesson (4th grade)
Air: You Can't See It, But It's There Lesson (1st grade)
Air Quality and Transportation Lesson (2nd grade)
Air Terms Lesson (5th grade)
Carbon Dioxide and Air Pollution Lesson (4th and 5th grades)
Carbon Monoxide Information, Activities and Data
Conserving Electricity Lesson (2nd grade)
of Ozone in the Air Lesson (5th grade)
Ground-level Ozone Information and Data
Lesson (6th grade)
Lead Information, Activities and Data
Let's Catch Some Dirt from the Air Lesson (PK and K)
Data and Activity (4th & 5th grades)
Ozone Lesson (4th & 5th grades)
Particulate Matter Lesson (Kindergarten)
Particulate Matter Lesson (4th grade)
Information, Activities and Data
Plants & Oxygen Lesson (2nd grade)
Temperature Inversion Lesson (8th grade)
The Awful 8 Lesson (A play for 6th to 8th grades)
The Day The Air Pollution Gremlins Came To Town Lesson (3rd grade)
Path of Pollution Lesson (7th and 8th grades)
Rain Forest Deforestation (6th grade)
Ridesharing Lesson (2nd through 8th grades)
The Rubber Band Air Test Lesson (2nd through 4th grades)
Wump World Activities (2nd grade)
Chemistry and Air Quality Glossary
Bay Area Spare the Air
Smog reduction and daily air quality forecasting.
Summary and data from a May 1996 NRDC report about premature
mortality due to particulate air pollution in 239 American cities.
Carbon Monoxide Headquarters
Information on carbon monoxide and other poisonous gases.
Clean Air Skeptic's Page
Essays and links to information skeptical of claims made about the
health risks of fine-particle air pollution.
Indoor Air Quality
Provides information and access to publications concerning indoor
air quality issues, including radon, secondhand smoke, and carbon
monoxide. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Air Pollution Word Search Activity (Grades 2nd through 6th)
Air Pollution Word Search Activity (Grades 7th through 12th)
Global Warming Unit
This unit includes classroom activities to help students understand
global warming and its possible effects on human beings.
Global Warming
This lesson plan covers the major greenhouse gases, human activities
that contribute to the change of the Earth's atmosphere, and why there
is a concern about climate changes. Also addressed are strategies for
dealing with potential global warming and the major contributors to
global warming.
Living in the
Tell why the earth is like a greenhouse.
Interdisciplinary Unit on Global Warming
This is an interdisclinary unit developed to increase the awareness of
the effects of global warming.
Warming: Could You be the Next Noah? Greenhouse Effect and the Validity
of Global Warming
Students will study the nature of Global Warming in relationship to the
Greenhouse Effect and explore the factors that are said to affect it.
Global Warming: Does it Exist?
Students do an internet research project on global warming and
determine if they think it exists and what can be done about it.
Global Change
Activities are presented to assist in teaching the concepts of Global
Global Warming is an interactive online lesson that will educate
students about this highly debated environmental issue.
Greenhouse Effect in a Jar
This simple experiment serves as an introduction to the greenhouse
effect. Students can see for themselves the effects of a greenhouse, and
relate this understanding to what occurs in our atmosphere.
Climate Change - Natural
Resources Canada
Provides a gateway to all climate change-related information in the
department, including energy efficiency, earth sciences, satellite
observations, and forestry.
Global Warming International
Disseminates information on global warming science and policy,
serving governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industries
in more than 120 countries.
Warming Skeptic's Page
Essays and links to information critical of global warming claims.
Global Warming: Focus on
the Future
Interactive explanations of the phenomenon, with pictures.
Warming: Understanding the Forecast - award-winning exhibition on
the greenhouse effect developed by EDF and the American Museum of
Natural History.
Source for info on global climate change.
The Greenhouse Effect
An overview of the greenhouse effect and global warming.
NASA Climate News
The latest research on global warming, urban heat islands,
lightning, and more.
Public Perceptions of Global Warming
Sierra Club Global
Warming and Energy Campaign
Spotlight on: Climate Change
Provides information on climate change and policy. From the U.S.
Department of State.
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency: Global Warming
Impacts and policies of global warming, and how individuals and
corporations can help address these issues
U.S. Global Change Research
Information Office
Effects of Ozone in the Air
Students will learn how ground-level ozone is an air pollution
What's Happening to the Ozone
Students identify the cause of ozone depletion and the effects it
Alternative Fluorocarbon Environmental
Acceptability Studies (AFEAS)
Ray Detection Society of North America
Hard science with a twist of humor
Facts on Ozone
Includes graphs, pictures, facts on depletion in Antarctica, North
America. Effects of CFCs on the environment.
International Ozone
Dedicated to dissemination of information on ozone, use of ozone for
water, wastewater, and air treatment, chemical and industrial process,
and publishes books and journals.
Reports, publications and press releases of the Secretariat for the
Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol, as well as a wealth of
other ozone related material.
Skies Above Foundation
Focuses on environmental issues and environmental education related
to the atmosphere, especially climate change and ozone depletion.